Welcome to Don Antonio Rivera Venegas Foundation

Don Antonio Rivera Venegas Foundation is dedicated to fostering collaboration and mutual support in communities. Our mission is to promote sustainable development in Mexico, with a special focus on improving the quality of life in rural areas. Established in 2001, we honor the legacy of Don Antonio Rivera Venegas, whose life and efforts inspire our work to support and empower the most disadvantaged social groups in our country.


Don Antonio Rivera Venegas Foundation was established on February 16, 2001, in honor of a man who demonstrated that with effort, work, and dedication, dreams can be achieved. Antonio Rivera Venegas, born in Orizaba, Veracruz, on July 24, 1885, grew up in a deprived environment, which awakened in him a strong awareness of the needs faced by the most disadvantaged social groups in our country.
We are a philanthropic, non profit institution that implements projects contributing to the integral development of indigenous communities in our country. Our primary focus is to implement sustainable development actions and strategies that promote active participation and the development of their skills.



To implement, promote, and support sustainable projects with an educational focus that raises awareness, strengthens, and promotes activities that improve the quality of life of indigenous communities, based on the "Learning by Doing" methodology.


To be a consolidated and recognized organization for its high level of social commitment, characterized by developing projects and actions that strengthen indigenous communities in the areas of Health and Social Welfare.


Based on respect, honesty, commitment, and responsibility towards the indigenous communities of our country.


Currently, the Foundation operates in various communities across different municipalities in the Sierra Sur of Oaxaca; San Carlos Yautepec, Santa María Ecatepec, and Santa María Quiegolani are located at an altitude of 1500 to 2400 meters above sea level. The region is predominantly pine-oak forest, with deciduous jungle in the lower parts, and has a temperate-humid climate. Its inhabitants belong to the Chontal and Zapotec ethnic groups.

We are a non profit organization

We are a non profit dedicated to fostering collaboration and mutual support within communities. Our mission is to promote sustainable development in Mexico, with a special focus on enhancing the quality of life in rural areas.


Social Welfare

  • Agave Cultivation
  • Fruit Orchards
  • Organic Vegetable Cultivation
  • Dual-purpose Poultry Raising
  • Agroindustry

Community Assistance

  • Food Packages
  • Blankets
  • Toys
  • School Supplies
  • Household Items
  • Clothing

Social Medicine

  • Consultations
  • Disease Prevention Talks
  • Deworming, Pregnancy Control, and Child Nutrition Campaigns


Agave Cultivation

In the communities served by the Don Antonio Rivera Venegas Foundation, agave has traditionally been cultivated for mezcal production, being the main productive activity and source of economic income.


An important tool implemented by the Don Antonio Rivera Venegas Foundation to achieve the goals of productive projects such as fruit orchards, organic vegetable production, and agave cultivation.

General Medicine

Among the activities of the Don Antonio Rivera Venegas Foundation in the Health area is the General Medicine service, which provides general consultations and the provision of required medications to each patient free of charge.

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